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[영어 원문] 유대인 단체의 새 강자, J스트리트
[영어 원문] 유대인 단체의 새 강자, J스트리트
  • 에릭 엘터먼|언론인
  • 승인 2009.10.08 16:30
  • 댓글 0
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J Street, Is it possible to counter AIPAC?
J Street Piece, Is it possible to counter AIPAC?

Eric Alterman

When Barack Obama met with sixteen leaders of separate American Jewish organizations this July, the guest list contained the usual suspects, plus one. Amidst the presidents and chairmen (and chairwomen) of hawkish old groups like the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee, and of course, the lobbying powerhouse, AIPAC, sat Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of the new Jewish peace lobby “J Street.”

Ben-Ami’s presence could not have pleased a number of his fellow guests. In publications sympathetic to the more mainstream, often-neoconservative dominated American Jewish organizations J Street is treated with barely mo... ...
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