2024년 04월호 구매하기
The Taliban are modern, not medieval
The Taliban are modern, not medieval
  • Patrick Porter
  • 승인 2009.11.09 14:06
  • 댓글 0
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[원문-영어] 서구 기술로 진화 거듭하는 탈레반
A Graveyard of Clichés: the Taliban are modern, not medieval

Patrick Porter

Are we fighting aliens? Ralph Peters thinks so. The retired officer and polemicist dreads Afghans as savages who might as well come from another planet. The Taliban are ‘aliens who prefer their crude way of life and its merciless cults.’ Our war with them is a ‘head-on collision between civilizations from different galaxies.’ Peters is no triumphalist. He fears militant Islamists are tough enemies, ferociously driven by an ‘angry god’ to wage war with televised beheadings, human shields and the wonder-weapon of the age, the suicide bomber. And to Peters, American soldiers are shackled by a hostile media, ignorant rulers and a detached populace, vulnerable in their af... ...
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Patrick Porter
Patrick Porter info@ilemonde.com